Liedi Légi Bariani Bernucci

Prof. Dr. Liedi Bernucci is Full Professor for Infrastructure and Transportation Engineering at the University of São Paulo since 2006 and occupies the position of Head of the Laboratory of Pavement Technology since 1995. Received her BSc in civil engineering in 1981, her Master in Geotechnics (1987) and her Doctor Degree in Transportation Engineering (1995) from the Escola Politécnica (Polytechnic School) of the University of Sao Paulo. She has been the head of the Transportation Engineering Department for 7 years. In 2014 Prof. Bernucci was elected Vice-Dean and in 2018 the first woman elected Dean of Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo. She is member of Budget and Assets Committee of USP and member of Superior Council of FAPESP.