Guilherme Ary Plosnki

Guilherme Ary Plonski holds master and doctoral degrees in Industrial Engineering, and was a Fulbright Visiting Research Scholarship at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Center for Science and Technology Policy. He has a double appointment at University of São Paulo – full professor at the Business School and associate professor at the Engineering School, and is also the Research Director of its Center for Technology Policy and Management. He was the CEO of the São Paulo State Institute for Technological Research, the largest of its kind in Latin America, and the president of the Brazilian Association of Science Parks and Business Incubators. He is currently the director of the Latin Ibero-American Association of Technology Management, and a board member of the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation. Before becoming IEA’s director for the 2020-2024 tenure, Professor Plonski has previously been a board member at the Institute.