Prof. Dr Caroline Ncube

Research Chair in IP, Innovation and Development, Department of Commercial Law, University of Cape Town

Caroline Ncube is a Professor and the current and inaugural holder of the South African Research Chair: Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development in the Department of Commercial Law at the University of Cape Town (UCT). She is also affiliated with the Intellectual Property Unit at UCT. She served as Head of the Department of Commercial Law from 2014 – 2016 and as Deputy Dean, Postgraduate Studies in 2017 and from January – June 2019. Professor Ncube is a member of the African Policy, Research & Advisory Group on STI and of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). She also serves on the the AU Scientific Technical Research Commission ASRIC Taskforce on IP Protection in Joint Research and Collaboration During Outbreaks. She has served as an expert for various institutions including the WIPO, ECA and SADC. She holds a PhD in IP Law from the University of Cape Town, an LLM from the University of Cambridge and an LLB from the University of Zimbabwe. Before joining UCT in 2005, She lectured at the University of Limpopo (formerly University of the North) and the University of Zimbabwe. Prior to that, she practiced briefly as an attorney at Coghlan, Welsh & Guest. She currently teaches Electronic Law and Intellectual Property (IP) Law at postgraduate level. She also supervises masters and PhD candidates, primarily in IP law, but also in other areas of commercial law. Professor Ncube is a member of various academic associations such as the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), the South African Association of Intellectual Property Law and Information Technology Law Teachers and Researchers (AIPLITL) and the Society of Law Teachers of Southern Africa (SLTSA).I am affiliated with the University of Ottawa as an Associate Member, Centre for Law, Technology and Society.